Thursday, September 26, 2013

Action research status (EDLD 5326 week 5)

As a STAAR subject teacher, I am passionate about the preparation that goes in to getting these students prepared for test. I have also taught and facilitated various acceleration programs and am eagar to see the patterns that form in relation to student success and which prep classes they have been involved in.

I am still in the process of gathering the most recent testing data. I have constructed a detailed spreadsheet of what prep classes have been taking place and the overall success and demographics of the students in classes. The next step is to identify patterns and analyze why things are/are not being successful. I will be looking at time frame, duration, class size and material being used for each of the prep classes that have been taking place over the course of this year. Once this is done, I can sit down and have a meeting with administrators and testing coordinators.

At a general preliminary glance, I have seen that the summer acceleration classes did not have as much success as anticipated. These classes incorporated many student tutors and had teachers facilitating the process. The pull out acceleration has had a much high success rate. These are things I will discuss with adminstrators and testing teams upon the collection of all relevant data.

The goal for this action research is to decide on what methods work best for maximizing success on the STAAR test. The data collected is based solely on the Algebra 1 test and may vary across subject areas. The results and reflections of this research will serve as a guide for methods that should continue to be used and others that could be tweaked across all subject areas.